Join us for the unique opportunity to attend one of our EMBA courses!


Thursday 17 May 10.00 – 18.00
Friday18 May 8.30 – 18.00
Saturday 19 May 8.30 – 18.00
Sunday 20 May 8.30 -12.30

This May’s module our EMBA students will start Managerial Decision Making course.

Course description and goals

We all continuously have to make judgments about various risks and uncertainties, and make decisions to obtain the outcomes we desire, often under time pressure. To succeed in today’s rapidly
evolving business landscape and complex socio-economic environment, we need to excel as decision makers. Yet, behavioral economists and psychologists have convincingly demonstrated that our reasoning is often prone to mistakes, biases and narrow frames, which inevitably lead to losses
and shortfalls.
This course improves reasoning, persuasion, creativity and decision making skills by analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of human judgment and thinking patterns. The sessions involve class exercises, cases, group activities, puzzles, readings and individual reflections which ensure that participants experience first-hand a variety of interesting and relevant decision situations.

Learning outcomes

▪ Being aware of your own decision style and tendencies
▪ Recognizing predictable decision traps to avoid mistakes
▪ Learning the correct lessons from your experience
▪ Acknowledging and correctly assessing uncertainty
▪ Using experiments to gather actionable insights
▪ Better predicting and influencing others’ judgments, decisions and behavior
▪ Expand options and choices through creativity


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